CBSE practice paper released class 10 and 12 board exams
Now that board exams are about to fall, and the CBSE board has released its practice papers on its official websites

Now that board exams are about to fall, and the CBSE board has released its practice papers on its official websites, look if you're appearing for boards this year.
CBSE Class 10 practice question papers for science, mathematics, English, and social science have been issued. While for CBSE Class 12, practice question papers for topics such as accountancy, biology, chemistry, English core, geography, Hindi, history, maths, and physics have been provided.
How you can download these practice papers.
- Visit the CBSE board's official website at
- On the homepage, look for the 'Question Bank' area. Then, scroll down and click on the 'Additional Practice Questions' link.
- The 'Additional Practice Questions for Classes X and XII' will be displayed on the screen.
- Now download the pdf.
Also read: Best sample papers for cbse class 10 board exams.
The CBSE class ten examination will begin on February 15 and end on March 21. Painting, Tamang, sherpa, rai, and Gurung will be the first topics tested for Class 10 applicants. Meanwhile, the CBSE class 12 examination is set to begin on February 15 and end on April 5. The entrepreneurship course will be the first exam for intermediate students.
According to the official timetable, tests for both classes 10 and 12 will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or 1:30 p.m., depending on the exam. Except for the English literature exam, the board exams will be worth a total of 80 points and will require students to answer questions divided into five portions.
Soon there will be updates about the admit card as well.
Also read:
Best Sample Papers for CBSE Class 12 Science board exams.
Best sample papers for class 12 art board exams.
How to score well in CBSE class 10th board exams.
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